Where Liberty Dwells: A Painted Pony
Moore County boasts a remarkable sense of community that sets it apart. One shining example of this is the annual fundraiser for the Carolina Horse Park – the Painted Ponies project. This initiative brings together local businesses and artists to create stunning public art, all in support of this equestrian nonprofit. Each life-size fiberglass horse is sponsored by a local business and masterfully painted by a talented artist.
Celebrating the Warrior Spirit
The real Sergeant Reckless is a hero, and I added a special symbol to the painted horse who shares her name. In the realm of equestrian lore, some horses bear a rare and revered marking known as a 'blooded shoulder.' This distinctive trait is particularly associated with gray horses, and it holds a special place in certain equestrian circles. While the real-life Sergeant Reckless was a brown chestnut, I have artistically adapted the red stripes of the American flag. A broad red stripe flows gracefully over Reckless’s shoulder, imbuing it with symbolic significance.
Sergeant Reckless Actual
In my creative process, inspiration often springs from extraordinary stories that resonate with my deepest passions and interests. This is the remarkable story of Sergeant Reckless, a Korean racehorse turned real-life war hero, a tale that mirrors the spirit of our finest military members and decorated veterans.